Tuesday, August 20, 2013

weaving our way to Texas one connection at a time

Hello, Love :)

I apologize for my absence.

When I started this blog, I had intentions of posting every day. I look forward to when I do.

I shared recently that my mission and vision was too big to share from the small screen of an old iphone. Well, I am uber excited to announce that I finally have my laptop back!

So, now, I am going to send out rockets of desire for mobile wifi. Having to travel to a McDonalds, a Starbucks, or a library to connect online has been my next level of challenge that I am ready to alleviate :)

So, having said all of that...

We had a huge shift in our journey.

After 3 weeks of free roaming Oregon, connecting with people, places, and experiences, we got called to speak at Rethinking Everything (a huge alternative life conference) in Texas.

I am going to speak on living nomadically, the internal journey and the physical specifics.

I know that this is an incredible opportunity to connect with my people, to reach further. But, like BurntWoodsStock, I have no idea the depths and breadths this experience will reach.

I just know I need to get there.

So, this has taken my trust journey to a whole new level.

In retrospect, I am seeing how taking off for Oregon was kinda easy. We had the gas money. We just had to show up.

This has been a different experience altogether. We didn't have the gas. We had no idea the exact "hows" to this experience, just that we were going to continue to do hair ropes wherever we could to fund our gas and conference stay (hotel room share stay).

So, so far we have made it from Newport, Oregon back down the coast to San Diego. We left there yesterday and are currently in Arizona, with enough gas to get to the Texas border.

So many times, I have felt the panic start to rise. Once or twice, I even had to accept the fact that maybe getting to the conference might not be the end result.

And then the next thing unfolded before us, paving the way.

We are almost there, and I know we will make it. However it will happen, it will.

This has been a HUGE journey of expansion. I felt it when we entered Encinitas again, and I noticed how much I had grown in our journey.

I feel deeper connected than ever.

You know what else I have been really realizing recently?

I am my hero.

All those people I looked up to for living so deeply, so authentically, so connected, so sacred. The wise women, the shamans, the earth people.

I am one of them.

This is deeply fulfilling for me.

Everywhere I go, I am reminded of this.

Everywhere we go, I speak with people. I connect deeply with people. I find my people.

And that is incredible.

But a part of my journey recently has been really being aware of how much I love myself.

I have been flushing out some bits still. There is a Pink song where she talks about feeling

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss "no way, it's all good", It didn't slow me down
Mistaken, Always second guessing
Under estimated, Look, I'm still around

Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like your less than, less than perfect.
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing
You are perfect to me.

Wow, it triggers me every time, even just sharing the lyrics with you here.

Underestimated is the gut kicker.

I never really believed in my self, in the deeper part of me that I longed to embody but was afraid to do so and fail.

Now, I am so deeply connected, and it allows me unfold so deeply and simply with the people I connect with in our journeys.

My people. They are everywhere.

Community builders. Authentic livers. Creatives. Sacreds. Soul sisters and soul brothers.

Be still my heart.

I feel so acutely aware of the web of us that I am a part of.

I am overjoyed to travel and connect personally with people, to have new connections in communities around the country.

I feel this global community unfolding one pocket at a time. I feel myself heading in a direction to impact the world.

I feel myself being capable of this huge epic calling in life. To gather people and create spaces that reach to heal and nourish the world.

I am not longer afraid. I am not afraid of the fire. I know that I am the embodiment of the phoenix. I am that which I was afraid of.

Now, I am not afraid.

And my whole life and world (my little family, my bigger family, my tribe) are all a reflection of this.

We are all stepping into our power, more deeply connected and loving, more an expression of abundance.

So, here I am. In Sedona, Arizona. A beautiful, incredible little artsy community (like none I have ever seen!) with massive red rock plateau backdrops, inviting the mysterious, opening up the space in my life to accept the abundance that is swirling all around and accessible if we can be open enough.

That is what this journey is all about for me. Opening up. Expanding. Trusting. Connecting to Source.

I want to invite you to step into this giant hug. I want to find new ways to connect with you. I am on Facebook, and I am here, and I have a few e-mails.

How best do I connect with you, beloved reader?

How best do I enfold you in this massive, and yet deeply personal project and vision?

To what depths do you want to be involved?

I have been feeling drawn toward business. But it has not unfolded the way I was previously attempting. I think I am meant to find the ways to make this my life's work.

I know that finding ways to gather us together and stay connected feels like the best first step.

And I am craving dialogue from you. I have a lot to say, and I have replayed and refined my ideas for years. I want to hear you, often, constantly. I would love to create a space that makes symbiotic dialogue easy.

That is what I was hoping for with this blog space. I wanted people to be able to comment. I am worried that the comment-ability is not easy. I want to adjust that.

Also, I have a Facebook group that has been as neglected as this blog, unfortunately. But it is chocked full of soulful community deliciousness. It is called Being Tribe. Please feel free to come find it if you want to be a part of community dialogue.

In addition to sharing my big heart journey here and connecting with beloveds on Facebook, my other big internet experience has been requesting donations to fund our journeys.

It has been that the big heart donations people have gifted us have catapulted us into a much further trajectory than it seemed possible.

My wish list manifestation list is shared in the sidebar, and all donations go toward whatever is most salient at the time of receiving.

I have been spending some depth time wondering over requesting donations. I have been loving weaving hair ropes for people along our journey.

And I am feeling drawn toward wanting to offer my e-book "Whole Family Learning" to people who donate.

Once I get Microsoft Office Student again, I have a plethora of e-book and e-course ideas I would love to share.

Please, please, let me know what you are interested in hearing more about from me. I would love to share more about it. I would love to offer a fair energy exchange for donations - whatever you feel called toward, be it my most sincere gratitude, an e-book, some time to connect, some listening while you process, a personalized e-mail to you about some subject you want to know more about.

Please be in touch with me if you feel inclined to donate monetarily and have room for me to connect in your life.

All my love,

Sunday, August 4, 2013

How an Intentional CommUNITY Heals

I believe the right communities are just what this world needs to heal and grow. 

The right community heals individuals, as well as reaching outward to connect communities, eventually growing to heal the world. 

Can you see that? Did I make that clear enough? It's so clear in my head, and once I start thinking about it, it just takes off like a spiraling rocket. I might get ahead of myself. 

Let me start a little more simply. 

Let me start with what I mean by "right" community. 

Whenever I use the word "right", what it means is aligned, balanced, on a path that feels right, that feels YES!

I believe the right community is like a formula. Like community alchemy. By gathering the right balance of energies, a community becomes capable of healing, of nourishment, of sustainability (not just on the land), of abundance, of greatness. 

When a community cultivates a system where checks are automatically embedded in the way people interact, to honor love and connection and nonviolence and individuality and freedom, the result is healing and abundance. 

That was probably vague, right? I tend toward being abstract, so what I am saying can be applied broadly. 

Let me share some examples of how I feel this will play out. 

A system of checks, based on love and connection and freedom might mean having it preplanned to invite beloveds in with the expectation that they might be feeling resentful about the amount of work or the kind of work that other people do, in relation to their own work. 

When we honor a child's freedom and individuality, from a place of love and connection and nonviolence, we allow them to unfold in the way that feels right to them, and what we will observe over time is a person who knows themself well, who is crystal clear on their interests, skills, abilities. What we will find is a person who knows what they have to offer and what they need to sustain and nourish themselves, a person who is attuned to their own greatness and personal design. 

I just realized that I am being called to explore these values (love, connection, nourishment, abundance, nonviolence, and so many more) in more depth, so I now plan to create posts for each of these. These puzzle pieces will help with the ah-has :))

So, lets pretend we have explored what each of these values mean in depth, and that we understand how each piece creates the formula for a whole and right community. 

Lets imagine this community has agreed that these are the values they INTEND (intentional) to live by. 

But it's unrealistic to expect everyone to come in at the same level in practicing and living these values. And it's unrealistic to expect that anyone will practice any (and especially ALL) of these values perfectly. 

That's where community healing comes into play. 

The values are to be practiced, never possible to perfect. And we honor people on their own paths. And we aim toward far-off goals, but accept where we are now and invite imperfection. 

If we keep the energy vibration up high (if we are genuinely happy), it is easier for us to live in our intentions. 

Lightness of being, ease, flow, a sense of humor - these are like soul food. We want to grow and harvest these in large bounty. 

We need our soul food to do our soul work. 

Each of us has a unique trade, a unique gift, a unique set of interests and abilities and skills to offer the physical community - be it gardening, animal care, structure building, art, playing with children, emotional upliftment. 

None of us were made to do all of these things, and even if we were capable, how would we find the time to give each one it's proper honor?

We were made for tribes. We were made to be able to live our own design and to compliment each other. 

As soon as we are living where someone picks up the pieces that we don't love to do, we see very clearly what we were made to do, what makes us come alive. And when we have a whole community of people who are living what makes them come alive, THAT is greatness. Can you imagine what a community like that is capable of?

They are like a superhero squad - except they number much higher, so their trajectory is much further. 

Can you imagine a community with even just one person whose superpower was manifestation, or helping people actualize their dreams? In a community full of people with big dreams!!

I feel greatness. 

Big epic greatness. 

Can you imagine how healing it would be for any person to step into that space and be enveloped in that love and trust and joy and honor? 

With a big enough community, the healing could reach far and envelop a great many <3

The world? Of course. Let me explain how. 

Let's say this particular community is located outside of a big city in Oregon ;)) The community, in its greatness, reaches out into the city to heal the needs in the city, providing food, shelter, love, creative ideas, and other resources to people who live in the city and are reaching out for help. 

Lets say this community offers workshops and retreats, giving people the opportunity to come in and be enveloped, and maybe those people (who have now felt true love and hope and trust and sustainability) start creating more of that in their life. 

Lets say this community helps people who live in the city to create little pockets of community to meet their needs and heal their hearts and lives. 

Lets say this community offers their model to other budding intentional communities. Lets say they even drive a veggie-powered bus around on tour to offer physical assistance to these budding communities, and to cities farther than the ones right next to their home. 

Lets say the masterminds in their community come up with all kinds of creative solutions to heal the needs of and sustain communities around the world. 

The possibilities are limitless. 

Permaculture has a similar model to the one I am speaking of. It looks a little something like this...

The outside are the pieces, the values and the physical parts of sustainability. The inside of the spiral shows how healing, sustainability, love - all the values - grow from a personal level outward. 

I think my own model would be a bit more complex and 3D :) Ooh, now it has me thinking :))

Anyway, it is nice to see such similarity, and to know that large groups of people are on the same wavelength as I am. 

I would love to hear you <3 Please feel free to comment or contact me for more depth and privacy at wildsacredsoul(at)live(dot)com

You are beloved,

Saturday, August 3, 2013

BurntWoodsStock 2013

We kept hearing about this awesome family festival, and when we learned that my whole family could get in for free if I volunteered, we could camp for free (!!!!), AND that it was just outside of Newport, I knew it was meant to be. 

And I was right. 

The whole festival is about music and family fun. 

Three days of kids pavilion with crafts galore and things like face painting (by Kassidy)

and mustache glasses (also by Kassidy)



A chalkboard wall 

A tractor train that Kass kept driving through the sprinkler to cool the kids off :))

Fire spinners!!!!!!!!! All 3 nights!

The tooth fairy was there

I took our last $30 and bought supplies to do hair ropes :)

Hippies love colorful hair bangles. 

I had planned to use my mad thread skills to barter for food and such at the festival, but the festival actually provided food for the volunteers, so we all ate anyway :))

I ended up setting up on a blanket with a sign that said I was doing hair ropes for donation. I did 20-30 hair ropes over the course of a day and a half, and I manifested a beautiful hoop for Kass

a pair of tie dye pants for Jaja

an Eco Womb shirt for Noble 

The most delicious vanilla chai tea I have ever had for me

And I finished the festival with $3 more than I started with!

I connected with so many incredible people. One thing we have noticed since being in Oregon is that the people are so quick to share what is great about a certain area. 

And we heard about other festivals, fairs, and pow wows happening in the area. 

And I met an incredible mama who has been avidly trying to start an intentional community for years (seeking out land and such). We are going to connect more later :))

And I met up with a beautiful mama who I have been connecting with on Facebook, to connect in person and talk intentions :)

I knew I was called here for all the right reasons <3

During the festival, we found a cozy little space in the forest to stretch out on in a tent (donated by the Salvation Army in Newport) 

We stayed camping for the rest of the week, and someone gave us a bigger tent!!!! And we moved to a spot that felt a lot like an island. We could hear the creek running by at night <3

One of the best parts of the festival was reconnecting with our beloved Eco Womb family, and making new lasting friendships with fun families who also live on the road. 

Our kids had the time of their life together, over the festival and during the rest of the week when we all had the whole field and forest to ourselves :))

This BurntWoodsStock experience has been exactly why we came to Oregon and very close to what we want for our intentional community. 

Soaking it in here 

and currently rejuvenating in the forest

We are being called toward the mountains and Portland next. I am hoping to get our laptops fixed and connect with other unschoolers to soak them in and put my feelers out for kindreds who may want to grow this vision with us. 

We still have a wish list, and if you want to donate monetarily to meet those needs, my PayPal email is wildsacredsoul(at)live(dot)com. 

We were blessed with $60, and look what all we manifested with it! Can you imagine what we could do with a donation from you?

Thank you for taking this journey with us <3

Friday, August 2, 2013

More pictures from Newport

So, we had an awesome adventure before we left Newport, and I wanted to share it with you...

We went to the 

Remember those tickets we won at Bingo? Well, our beloved MB and Quinn happen to be members, and they gifted us with 2 more and the pleasure of their company :))

We plan to head back into town Saturday and go to the science center that is attached to the aquarium :)