This whole journey has been about following my heart.
It has been about listening to where I am being called, and following in trust and faith.
And magic happens.
When we showed up in Ashland, a beautiful family that we hadn't had the honor of meeting yet, invites us over, and we interconnected so well that they opened their campsite up to us, and we felt right at home, parking our little van home next to their violet love bug and Eco Tour bus <3
They were an incredible family to be with. I can't believe how much love and fun was had <3
And they gave us a homebase for the past week.
And then we for called to the coast. And as soon as I visited my heart, I knew we were destined for Newport.
One of my dearest soul sisters lives here, and I have been aching for 6 years (!!) to hug her and be with her in the flesh <3
She was a part of my very first tribe <3 And she has always remained in that special space in my heart for my tribe <3
So, yesterday, we were at the park, and there was this funky folk couple performing with so much heart and fun.
And every song they sang was a piece of my story. I cried with every song. It was so perfect.
And when the crowd finally dissipated, I told them that their songs were moving me so much, that I was a single mama with 2 kids and I just left everything that wouldn't fit in my minivan and drove up here to Oregon to find a simple life and home for my family.
They dedicated the next song to me, and it really made me cry. About trusting your heart and going when the wind blows.
They were moved by my story, and they donated $20 to our journey.
I get so full when I think about that.
They were such a colorful and insightful piece to my journey, I had been wondering if I should give them some of the last of my money.
I knew it would all work out.
But I hadn't gone back to the van to do all that yet, and they beat me <3
And the other part that knocks me down with a feather is how they were a perfect piece on my journey, showing me that I am on the right path.
So, I trusted my heart this morning, and I took that $20 + my last $10, and I put them in my gas tank.
It was 256 miles to Newport, and we had 257 (according to our van's estimation).
So, we left. Guided by our calling. Guided by our heart.
We knew we needed the ocean and cooler temperatures.
I picked a route that took us along the coast without backtracking.
As soon as we got off the main freeway I-5, and we got on the 138 scenic bypass, we knew this was exactly what we had done this for.
The route was gorgeous, green, cooler. It followed a river, and the panoramic views literally took my breath away.
We found a gorgeous little spot to pull over, and found a pathway down to a river!!!!
It was the first time my kids had seen a river, and they couldn't wait to swim in it!! :))
They had so much fun!
And after a couple hours of soul-delicious spontaneous detour, we got back on that beautiful road and drove to some of our favorite songs and oohed and ahhhed and filled our cameras with hundreds of photos from our amazingly beautiful trip.
Once we hit the coast, I was overflowing with excitement. Here we were. It was all meant to be.
I had nourishing Oregon and my soul nourishing and beloved Pacific Ocean <3 She was the reason we moved to Oregon instead of Colorado.
She was so important. So sacred. And I had missed her.
The coast in Oregon is more gorgeous and perfect to me than I had even imagined.
Wildflowers met driftwood met the waves. Rocks everywhere. Freshwater creeks spilling out into her.
This beach was very different than the beach I grew up next to.
This one felt more interesting, with all the waterways and driftwood and rocks and cooler temperatures and lack of crowds.
It was so so amazing. Words cannot find or explain.
It was just perfect. A deep - "this is SOOOOOO gorgeous" "this is why I was called here" "I really freakin did it!"
Yes. I cried <3
This was it.
This was what I was made for.
No more feeling out of place.
I was home.
When we were leaving, Kass found a heart-shaped rock for me.
Noble had found one for me at the lake in Ashland.
I have a few from Encinitas.
Hearts are kinda my favorite in life. I'm all about love.
A friend of mine pointed out that these heart-shaped rocks are treasures from following my heart.
Oh so true.
Encinitas was my first heart-calling. Then Oregon (Ashland was our first official Oregon :)) And now the coast up here in Oregon.
I am feeling pretty darn blessed.
I know that when I follow my heart, it all aligns.
We made it to Newport.
The gas says 0, and we only have $3 to our name and a bag or 2 of food.
But it's all going to work out now that we are home <3
We are where we are supposed to be, and I have never been more aligned with my internals, and I have learned to always trust. It always works out. I learned that in Encinitas
It always flows. Especially when you are where you are supposed to be <3